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April 21, 2009

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Beyond the Secret: Ten Steps for Spiritual Attraction

March 20, 2009

Below is a listing of the Ten Steps for Spiritual Attraction listed in my book
BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction.

Ten Steps for Spiritual Attraction

Experience a 10 step process that will help you manifest the life you are meant to live.
It’s as easy as ONE, TWO, THREE!


Orient Towards Spirit.

Know that essentially you are Spirit. As you surrender to Spirit you come from fullness, not lack. Esentially, the more fulfilled you are the less you need to attract. Rather, you become a conduit for love to emerge and find true satisfaction in living a life of service.

Negate the Ego.

Discover the ways your ego stops you from experiencing true joy, satisfaction, and peace of mind. The ego is always about grasping. It feeds on fear and encourages a constant feeling of lack. Thus, you learn to observe your ego and infuse it with Spirit overtime negating it’s constant tendency to play what I call “The See Me Game”, which always calls attention to your little self.

Engage the Soul.

The soul is the bridge between Spirit and the ego. Essentially, the soul is consciousness and love. the ego is ultimately only diminished through love. As you engage the soul you clarify and strengthen your values. You live a life of love. And, you create soul stories instead of ego stories to inspire and motivate you.


Take Time to Align.

As your ego becomes filled increasingly with Spirit through consciousness and love, you shift your identity increasingly to BE-NESS, or Spirit. Now, you align the thoughts, feelings, and actions that exist in the realm of the ego by cleaning up negative karma and shifting old patterns so you can live more fully in the present moment.

Watch and Listen.

The more the various aspects of your ego (thoughts, feelings, actions) align with Spirit the more you are able to enter the silence. Here within the silence you enter the flow and follow in a more natural way what Spirit (which is you) wants for you to be, have, and attract in life. The intuition is also cultivated allowing you to listen more deeply to the realm of Spirit primarily through meditation and other intuitive means.

Order Your Thoughts.

As you descend more into the realm of thought (and the lower realms of the dense world of the ego) mind-stuff is activated. Always the grasping nature of the ego needs to be avoided at this stage, as it can easily come into play. As the mind is held in the light of Spirit, a concrete plan for manifesting your service emerges. Typical law of attraction tools such as visualization, affirmations, and mind-mapping are all useful at this stage.


Tap Into Your Feelings.

Especially at the level of feelings the ego can overwhelm the original intention that Spirit is attempting to manifest and attract into your life. Learning to develop emotional mastery is especially important at this stage by understanding the gift of every emotion allowing you to use all of them in a conscious and effective way. Then your emotions can turn into a powerful tool for increasing the momentum you need to succeed to illuminate your life with love and to manifest your service lovingly into the world around you.

Highlight the Shadow in Others.

Especially as you prepare to manifest a service into the world the dense ego states of others (their thoughts, feelings, and actions) can rise up to oppose you. Learning to work with the ego states of others in a loving, detached, and effective way is important and helps you understand how to improve the situation by ideally transforming them, or if this is not possible coping with them, or if need be walking away from them altogether.

Remove the Shadow in Yourself.

As we near success in getting what we want the ego once again can rear it’s head. Jesus experienced this in the desert after his baptism and Buddha went through it under the Bodhi Tree. All the trappings of success can produce the “Shadow Side of the Law of Attraction” as we slip away from our identity with Spirit and once again get caught up in the lure of fame, wealth, beauty, and all the numerous games our egos play to try to “prove” how special we are, forgetting as Spirit all are special and we are everyone around us.

Execute and Easy Does It!

Moving into the realm of action skill is still required to manifest our service in the world. Skills inlcude the ability to develop a keen sense of timing, making sure you have something of real value to offer, and knowing how to build a support team to help you sustain what you manifest so it can come into full flowering in the world.


Dr. Lisa Love
Dr. Lisa Love Website

Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

About Dr. Lisa Love

Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.


Happiness, The Power of Now, & The Law of Attraction

March 20, 2009
One of the most amusing things to me with some law of attraction practictioners is how they use the law of attraction to resist the present moment. An ancient spiritual truth expressed by all major religions and made more popular by Eckhart Tolle today, is how when we have the ability to fully accept and surrender to the present moment, we greatly increase happiness in life. But, sadly, many people use the law of attraction to avoid the present moment and therefore unwittingly increase the level of suffering and unhappiness in their lives. How does this happen?

Because the law of attraction propells us into a constant state where we avoid what is happening right now and spend our time in the present moment instead in a constant quest for what “should be” or what we “want to be” in the future. Example: I don’t like what is right now. Meaning I don’t like my current job, or economic situation, or relationship, or health condition, and so forth. So, I need to use the law of attraction to get out of where I am right now. Because only when I get a more attractive partner can I be happy. Only when I get more money can I be happy. Only when I lose ten more pounds can I be happy. So, I create a vision board, start doing all kinds of affirmations, whatever it takes to get out of this present moment and into what I believe a “better moment” might be. The problem is, since I have never learned to appreciate the gift of what is, right now, when I get to that next future moment (which is now the present moment), I have never learned to be content with what is, so I keep running after what I think I need next to be happy and so forth.

Ironically, the more you focus on this the more you perpetuate a chronic state of discontent and even fear. Because now is never good enough no matter what present moment you are in. By not being able to accept what is and spending all your time finding ways to run away from it, you increase unhappiness. Instead, if you could befriend the present moment by going into it more deeply, you could learn to extract the juice, the gift (such as increased awareness), and even the joy out of every moment you are in.

Example One: Avoiding the Present Moment.

You lose your job, or your partner no longer wants to be with you. You tell yourself, “This should not be.” You wail, you rage, you plot your vengence. Or, you immobilize in a state of confusion or grief and remain helpless and paralysed. In this state of great emotion you avoid the gift of right now. You run and react (instead of act) by using a law of attraction approach to help you get out of where you are now to attract a new job or new partner thinking then you will be happy. Then, all will be well. And, by doing this you become future, not present, bound.

Example Two: Accepting the Present Moment.

Here you accept as quickly as possible, “I have lost my job,” or “My partner no longer wants to be with me.” Maybe you will feel some grief, some anger, or another emotion. Instead of runnning from your feelings, you feel them. As you do so stillness emerges. Within the calm of the present moment you reawaken to the beauty of what is, right now. Gratitude swells up for what is. Depth emerges giving you the power to accept and appreciate more, what is right now. You find the gold, or the gift that lies within your present circumstances. The more you open up and trust in what this moment has to offer you, the more your sense of self expands making you more aware of not only what is, but of who you really are as a human, as the planet, and as part of the Universe.

This puts you in a state of fullness, which is why I often say in the truest sense the law of attraction doesn’t exist. Because the more you empty out your ego identity (or your limited self) and expand into your identity as Spirit (as an unlimited self), the more you appreciate that even if at the level of the ego you don’t have what you want, as Spirit you already do!

The Law of Surrender

And, in that space Spirit is attempting to reveal to you what it wants for you in this moment. It has caused the present moment for a reason. As you stay open to this possibility you avoid the usual ego tendency to run from the present moment and to create a new future based upon it’s limited understanding. Instead, you surrender to what Spirit wants in this moment, leaving you open to a number of revelations. For example. Maybe you are not meant to get a job again right now. Maybe you are meant to rest for a bit, or enter into a training program for a new line of work. Or, maybe you are not meant to have a new relationship right away again. Maybe you are meant to be single for a time so you can grow into a new you!

Staying in the present moment by first using the Law of Surrender before attempting to activate the Law of Attraction you find that in many ways, Spirit knows what is best. Opening up to what Spirit wants (which is ultimately opening up to what “you” want, since you are Spirit) not only leads you to a brighter future (or a happier succession of present moments) it leads you to serenity and peace brining you the opportunity to have a lifetime of joy and fulfillment.


Dr. Lisa Love
Dr. Lisa Love Website

Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Love. All Rights Reserved.

About Dr. Lisa Love

Best-selling author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She is also a Life, Relationship, Law of Attraction, and Tranformational coach. There’s a reason my clients tell me by working with me they get major breakthroughs fast! Decades of coaching and counseling experience combined with my extensive training and work with clients from all backgrounds help my clients make shifts in a rapid way. Contact me to discover what I can do for you.


Simplicity a Key to Using the Law of Attraction Spiritually

February 1, 2009
Here are some key messages about Simplicity I have found since being inspired by Obama’s Inauguration.

(Lyrics to the song they played
before Obama took the oath)

‘Tis the gift to be simple,
’tis the gift to be free.
‘Tis the gift to come down
where we ought to be.

And when we find ourselves
in the place just right,
‘Twill be in the valley
of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend
we shall not be ashamed.

To turn, turn
will be our delight,
‘Till by turning, turning
we come round right.


From his book, The Mystic Heart.


Why Simplicity is an Urgent Issue 


In our social realm, the adage “live simply so others may simply live” wisely demonstrates the practical efficacy of true spirituality. This dictum is a way to concentrate our minds and our efforts on changing how we live. It is not enough merely to talk about the need to change. Wee must in fact change! This change has to begin with each of us, or else our words are meaningless.

Simplicity as a virtue, knows only what is real. It will not tolerate useless complexity in how we live; it always challenges us to reduce everything to the essentials. It is not impressed with many things, but with few things used well, especially in service to others. Simplicity of life sees reality as it is: like humility, is is only comfortable with the truth. Simplicity is truth in how we live, unadorned and free. available and inviting to all, open to the world, and welcoming of its demands on us.


I took my vow of simplicity. I shall not accept more than I need while others in the world have less than they need. And that was what motivated me to bring my life down to need level for me. And, I realized that the need level of a pilgrim is about rock bottom. Most people would need much more than I need. For instance if you were called into the family pattern you would need the stability of a family center for your children. There are needs beyond physical needs. I’m not telling you that your need is the same as mine, but I’m just saying you find your need level. When I found my need level I found a wonderful harmony in my life. What I want and what I need are exactly the same. You couldn’t give me anything. I don’t need it. — Peace Pilgrim.

Simplicity of life is one of the inner resources that advances our common responsibility. It can have a major impact on altering how we relate to the earth, other species, and the poor. This element of global spirituality is necessary because we must simplify our lives if the Ecological Age does not require squandering our precious resources, degrading the environment, oppressing other species, and depriving the poor, simplicity of life reveals itself concretely as a great generosity of spirit.

Towards a Global Ethic – A Tool to Guide the Use of the Law of Attraction in a Spiritual Way

January 31, 2009

If we are seeking to use the law of attraction in a spiritual way then perhaps it helps if we know some moral and ethical guidelines to follow in helping us do so.  That is why I am posting this Towards a Global Ethic: An Initial Declaration put together by spiritual leaders from all spiritual traditions who were part of the Parliment of World’s Religions.  I hope you take the time to read it.

Musings on Moving Beyond the Ego’s Use of the Law of Attraction

January 31, 2009
While doing research on my newest book (the follow up to my Beyond the Secret book), I was reviewing some of my favorite texts from various spiritual teachers I admire. I was particularly struck by what I read in Wayne Teasdale’s THE MYSTIC HEART about some of the ideas of Thomas Keating’s writings on “the false self.”

To summarize, Teasdale shares how in our early years if we do not get what we need in the way of security, love, and a feeling of mastery and control over our environment, we will compensate for it in the following ways:

1) Not enough of security as a child — compensating with an over-emphasis on material prosperity.

2) Not enough love as a child — seeking out the approval of others (even pursuing fame to do so).

3) Not enough control as a child — attempts to dominate others at work, in the family, and everywhere!

GOODNESS! No wonder so many people stress using the law of attraction to get money, approval, and as a means to control their environments. How riddled they must be with feelings of fear, believing inside they are fundamentally unlovable, and that they are out of control in this world and need to compensate for it all by using the law of attraction to find ways to be totally in control. And, maybe this is why research showed a few years ago that despite how prosperous American’s were they scored very high on the unhappiness scale. How sad, because it means that essentially we have way too many children (both young and inside the bodies of adults still) who feel insecure, unloved, and out of control.

This said, perhaps the antidote to using the law of attraction in a more spiritual (versus egotistical way) is to show people how to feel inwardly secure (which comes about by knowing how to wisely intuit and rely upon the Divine), loved for who they are (no matter what the outer appearance of their lives), and using surrender (and my formula of Surrender-Align-Contribute) so they no longer feel the need to control and give it over more to the Divine flow!

Well, I guess that is what the spiritual quest is all about really. Learning how to heal the wounds of our childhood to help us overcome the ego and live in the light, love, joy, and freedom of the Divine!

Blessings as you pursue yours!


Are THE SECRET authors catching up to my BEYOND THE SECRET book?

January 31, 2009

More and more I am both amused and pleased that well-known authors of THE SECRET are finally catching up to ideas I put forward well over a year ago in my <b>BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction</b> book. 

In that book I talked about how to use the law of attraction from the level of the ego and how to use it in a more spiritual way.  I stated that instead of going by the mantra ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE popularized so much in THE SECRET book and DVD, we needed to shift to SURRENDER, ALIGN, AND CONTRIBUTE.

Now, here is a public question for all of you.  Though I am pleased that they are catching up to ideas in my book, I am curious as to why they have decided to use my title (which has been out for well over a year) on their campaign instead of coming up with one of their own?  Strange.  I would think they had the power to be more innovative. 

Well, regardless, I am glad some of them are starting to either express their own more spiritual points of view that they probably felt anyway before THE SECRET came out about how to use the law of attraction in a more spiritual way.  Or, they are coming around to things I said in my book anyway.  At least it is good news that others in that crowd are expressing their spiritual views more freely or are catching up.

It’s just really amusing that they are using the title and ideas from my book.  Whatever that’s about.  Imitation can be a form of flattery so I will accept the compliment in a joyful way!  Smile!  And, hope that is all that is going on here.

Oh, well.  Surrendering to the flow of what Spirit wants in this process, while posing the questions regardless.


Dr. Lisa Love

The Secret Behind the Cover of BEYOND THE SECRET

January 30, 2009

The cover of my book as first sent to me by Hampton Roads had the following design. The bottom looked the same as my book does now. But, the top was comprised of a series of clouds. I looked at the cover and told them there was no way I wanted to have that as the cover of my book. Instead, I shared with them that I had always envisioned the cover of my book representing the red seal on The Secret book breaking open and turning into a red setting sun. Fortunately, Hampton Roads was really marvelous to work with and put up with my desire to see the cover transformed. (And, the artists there I felt did a beautiful job. The cover turned out to be everything I hoped for and more).

But, there was a deeper reason I wanted the cover to look like it did. You see that red sun stands for a mystical experience I had in the mid 1990’s when life just wasn’t going so hot for me. It was another one of those periods in my life when I felt everything around me was falling apart. I lived in Central Coast California at the time, which has one of the most beautiful drives along the coast line on this Earth. Not sure where to go with my life I took the drive up the coast, parked my car on a cliff overlooking the ocean, and went into meditation for a prolonged period of time.

At one point I was there so long the sun began to set. As it did so it was almost as if “a voice” spoke to me. It instructed me in the following exercise. It asked me to close my eyes and imagine as if everything and everyone in my life had been stripped away from me. Then, it asked me to open my eyes and as I thought of all the difficulties in my life the voice asked me to consider, “What on this Earth really lasts?” Having had a series of recent losses my mind turned naturally to material things, relationships, my career, my health, and even my physical body. None of this seemed really permanent.

So, the voice asked me to repeatedly close my eyes and open my eyes always asking the question, “What on this Earth really lasts?” Standing on a mountain, overlooking the ocean, watching the sun set, and the stars and moon slowly emerging it began to occur to me that in many ways THESE were the only things that had some level of permanence around me. It also occurred to me that for thousands of years human beings had pretty much looked at these same apparently “lasting” aspects of life here on Earth (sun, moon, stars, mountains, and ocean).

The sun continued to set in a glorious display and night began to emerge. As the sun went down “the voice” asked me to switch from opening and closing my eyes to simply focusing on my breath going in and out of my body. As I engaged in this practice everything around me suddenly felt like it was alive and shimmering. In many ways I felt as if “I” dissolved into the space around me.

The end result was that I became increasingly filled with a deep sense of inner peace and a vibrantly alive sensation of love pulsating within me and all around me. At some point this shifted into a profound sense of stillness. Looking back, the entire process from the time I arrived on the cliff to where the sun had completely set and I was in the dark, had probably taken hours.

When I drove home my life began to immediately change for the better. Though this had not been my first mystical experience (I have experienced many in my life), the impression it left on me was similar to the Buddhist teaching of impermanence, and the Christian ideal of “the peace that passeth all understanding.” Practically, it revealed to me how cluttered our lives (hearts and minds) become with a focus on externals and an obsession with attracting “stuff” (including people, prestige, and more in our lives).

Though it has been some time since I have been within that profound space, the memory and the lesson of it still stays with me. And, that is what I wanted my book to represent. That is also what I remember and experience whenever I look at the cover of my book — the secret of Spirit — revealed to me that evening at a whole new level.

What is Spiritual Power?

January 30, 2009


In the simplest terms it is the ability to know we are Spirit and we are Love!  As we access that Love we attract more power to experience love, give love, and receive love in our lives.   

Spiritual Power is also energy. The more dynamic energy one possesses, the more potential power one can store and direct. When we tap into power we come alive. Spiritually, we stand connected with our Source veiled by the out-picturing of the Cosmos. Personally, we act confident, capable of achieving whatever we set out to do. Mentally, our minds are sharp, clear, precise, and insightful. Emotionally, we are calm, in control, and optimistic. Physically, we are filled with vitality and may even experience chemical changes aided by an adrenaline rush. In short, power feels good!

In our quest for life, each of us has the responsibility to learn to appropriately and rightly wield power. We begin to accomplish this first via the process of identification. Each of us in truth is a child of the Cosmos. The atoms and molecules in our bodies are made out of the same “star stuff” which creates galaxies and planets. When we can wake up each and every day assured of our Divine Heritage, we can face life like the Gods and Goddesses we are! Confidence is a word which means in essence “faith in oneself and one’s powers, without implying conceit.” Confident people trust in their abilities, because internally they know who they are! Regardless of our genetic makeup, family heritage, or environmental living circumstances, each of us can embrace a healthy and constructive identity by the simple act of embracing this inner Divinity. Just as we view people in power differently based upon their personal successes, we can learn to view ourselves differently based upon our inner attitude and point of identification.

Though potent in its proclamation, the simple statement of our Spiritual Heritage is not enough. Beyond belief, we must come to KNOW who we are. We can only know this in the fiery furnace of life experience, where acts of spiritual courage, integrity, and daring must be performed. One simple technique to help us make this transition, is that of “As If.” We begin with our statement of identity and act from there. Example: As a Child of the Universe, as a son or daughter of the Divine, as a follower of my particular spiritual teacher, as a loving and worthwhile human being, how should I act in this situation? Steadily and carefully we wait for an intuitive answer. Once the answer comes, we act upon it. To do this requires for many a leap of faith. As we make our identification, as we act from it, we must do so AS IF it WERE TRUE! No haphazard, half-witted, half-hearted attempt will do. We must enter into this with all of our Being. We must use faith to help us leap into the Reality of the experience. Only our fervent desire will get us there. And when it does? That faith, transformed into Reality, will bring us to wherever we wish to go. Such is the beauty of empowerment.

So easily said! What then prevents us from having this be consistently true in our lives? The answer can be found partially in two distinct directions. First, whenever we make our identification with the Divine within us, we must do it with the proper understanding and intention. A drop of water may be one with the Ocean, but it is NOT the full embodiment of the ocean around it. In our behavior towards ourselves and others, humility needs to be ever present. Through recognition of Divinity in everything around us, we honor our interdependence with others and seek to act harmoniously and constructively with all who we meet. In knowing a larger cycle of time exists in which great actions are unfolded, we stand steady with patience and persistence in relation to our visions avoiding discouragement at all costs. In this way we work cooperatively with the forces around us, conserving our energy over time.

Second, whenever we seek to act from a point of empowerment, or Spiritual Identification, we need to recognize the need to build our “spiritual muscles.” If we are to express the power within us appropriately, we need intelligence and skill. We start by welcoming challenges as opportunities to learn from life experiences. Next, in striving to master challenges each and every day, we authentically enhance our power to act. Finally, in following through upon our intentions and being true to our word, we enhance our sense of integrity and our personal reputations. Thus, a power base is built based upon the well earned trust of others. Life requests of us to use this power effectively by ennobling ourselves and others. In return, we ennoble life by living dynamically, powerfully, and compassionately. Empower one another now!

To your success!

Dr. Lisa Love

Beyond the Secret Law of Attraction Teleclass Meetup Group

April 20, 2008

Meetup by Teleclass with authors and leaders in the fields of spirituality and the law of attraction who are using The Law of Attraction to attract abundance/prosperity and getting what one desires in a way that is spiritually aligned and benefits others, not just yourself.

Our meetings by way of Teleclass will be bi-weekly as we get started. If popularity and demand continue they will grow to weekly Teleclass meetups.

Live weekend events are also an upcoming possiblity for bringing in notable speakers, networking, and attending “playshops” as we learn to both manifest and make the difference in the world we are meant to!

These live events will at times be in the San Diego area where this group originates. But, events may also take place in other cities, happen as retreats in beautiful areas, or through one of my favorite venues on a cruise ship!

Hey, what can I say? The founder of this group has long been manifesting a global and mobile lifestyle. She just thinks it would be more fun to have friends along so together we can attract and spread our vibrant energy and creativity around the world and have fun and make new friends at the same time! Let’s go!

Sign up for FREE here!